Autumn Introspection

Autumn Path










A few leaves still remain,
Stubbornly refusing to fall.
Though most of their kin
Have already formed
A pretty orange carpet
On the forest floor.

The old leaves have to go
Eventually, or else
They’ll die clinging,
Shriveled and brown
To the branch of the tree.

The tree knows all about
Letting go.
It knows that life
Cannot be renewed unless
One first removes the old,
And the dead.

Such is the life of a tree.
Such is life.

Wanting vs Needing

I need to want you
Not want to need you,
Now that I’ve grown,
And can handle alone,
It took me so long,
To stand here so strong,
Not used to missing,
The holding and kissing,
So don’t think I’m weak,
Just for wanting your cheek,
Be very aware,
If I decide to share,
My life and my heart,
Know right from the start,
It’s a decision made,
From not being afraid,
By thinking bravely,
Doing what’s best for me,
By knowing I want you,
And not that I need you.


We were drowning.
Both of us.
and like drowning people do,
we panicked.
Desperately clinging to each other,
whilst at the same time pushing each other away.
Both of us.
Weighed down with baggage.
So much baggage.
Tied fast, to our hands, our feet,
our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our souls.
Pulling us, dragging us, downward,
and apart.
I was dragged so far down
I couldn’t see you anymore.
Didn’t know if you were above me,
or below me.
I only knew I was drowning,
as were you.
Both of us.

In our bid to survive,
we lost each other,
in our frantic attempt to shed ourselves
of all that was weighing us down.
I lost sight of you, as I tried to
cut cords and set myself free,
find me,
and in time,
I did.
Finally rising up to the surface,
having shed myself of everything,
I manage to scan the horizon,
and there, much
to my eternal surprise,
I see you, in the distance,
bobbing freely, and serenely.
I can see a glow around you,
and I start to swim slowly in your direction,
my heart lifting,
when I realise it appears,
you are also swimming,
towards me.

Organic Change

organic change
comes naturally
a process that
one cannot see
Yet it goes on
there is no doubt
if nourished from
the inside out
change is the fruit
of this process
though will not come
under duress
but in its time
it comes for sure
strong and clear
ripe and mature
change you can trust
organic fruit
from nourishing
down to the root